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Fully Loved exists to equip and encourage women in their journey of uncovering a deep intimate relationship with god and discovering the beautiful and unique plans that he has for you.

Thank you for your interest and joy in submitting an article for review to Fully Loved.

Our articles are written to help women embrace a deep, authentic relationship with God, and discover their identity and purpose as a child of God. They are written in kindness to encourage, inspire and provoke thought. We also don't shy away from challenging 'the patterns of this world' that keep us from growing in our faith and relationship with God.

You can submit an article for review, by following these guidelines:
  • Length of post 800-1200 words
  • Main heading and sub-headings identified
  • Fully proof read, with not grammatical errors
  • Provide in text parenthetical citations for direct and indirect quotation from Bible verses.
  • Article must hold firm to the truth of the Bible.
  • Provide a 2-3 sentence bio with link to blog or website
  • Article must be original and not published anywhere else

Topic ideas you might like to write about:
  • Faith
  • Identity as a Child of God
  • Intimacy with God
  • Friendship
  • Evangelism
  • Transformed Minds
  • Testimony of transformation

Email submissions in an editable Word or Google Document to hello@fullyloved.co

Write for us.