Article written by Amy Wallace
Freedom. It’s something we have heard talked about more in the last two years, than what we have over the last decade. If you talk to some people, they will tell you that our freedoms are at stake. “We need to stand up and fight for our freedoms” they say. You will hear it said by others, that we are living in a time like none other in history. Where our freedoms have never been under a threat such as now.
Whether or not this has any truth behind it, isn’t really what we should be focusing on when it comes to freedom. But rather, what does the Bible tell us about our freedom, the freedom we can have in Christ.
You are Free. Live Free.
This idea of our freedom being taken away, can be a daunting thought. It’s easy to get caught up in the worry about what that might look like for the future. If you are currently finding yourself in a place, where you look at the world, and see a lot of uncertainty. You see brokenness. You find it hard to see hope for a future in a world that seems to have completely lost its way.
I hope to encourage you, that you’re not alone.
I used to be completely consumed by what I could see happening around me. There were days I was completely disheartened about what to do. I struggled to see any kind of hope.
I experienced a time in my life, where many of the so-called ‘securities’ of this world were taken away from me and my family. Although it wasn’t quite this extreme, it felt as if everything we needed to depend on and function, was slowly being pulled away from my family and I.
I remember experiencing the most intense wave of anxiety and uncertainty I had ever felt in my life. Where my body physically felt like even the air I needed to breathe wasn’t enough. I recall a moment during this time, where I cried out to the Lord in despair, and I asked Him to take me away to a place where we can live free. And whether or not it was Him who actually responded to me, I was prompted by a voice that comfortingly said; ‘You are free. Now go, live free.’
I share this, because it was this moment that led me to discover more of the truth that lies in God’s word, about the freedom we have in Christ.
Discover more: What does it mean to be fully known and fully loved by God?
For who the Son Sets Free, is Free Indeed
When the Bible talks about freedom, we often hear it talked about in the context of the freedom we have in Christ. And for those who have accepted Christ, have been set free (John 8:36). We have been set free of sin (Romans 6:18). Set free of condemnation (Romans 8:1). Free of guilt (Hebrews 10:22). And most importantly, free of death (Romans 5:8-9).
I used to struggle to understand how Paul could be so oppressed from all sides in life. Then still find joy and peace in such darkness. Although I would not compare my personal experience to anything of the nature like what Paul had to endure. It was, however, a time where my relationship with Jesus was strengthened. Where the truth of His word and His promises became real in my life.
In a time where most of the so-called ‘securities’ of this world were taken away, I was able to come to a true understanding of what it means to have to fully rely on Christ and Christ alone. My faith was truly put to the test. And in a time where, I physically had never been more suppressed. Spiritually, because of the truth of Christ, I had never felt more free.
Want to make the most of your prayer time? Learn how to start a prayer journal.
The Truth will set you Free
I have come to fully understand and learn that there really is nothing of this world that can’t be taken away from you. I encourage you to ask yourself this.
Are there things in your life that might be holding you back to fully knowing what it’s like to live free in Christ?
Are there things in your life that without knowing it, you might be putting first before God for your security?
This could be money, your job, your house, even your health. All of which when it comes down to it, can be taken away in an instant.
I have recently come to a true understanding of what it’s like to live free. Finding comfort in God’s word and His promises, that nothing can take away Christ’s love for me (Romans 8:37-39). I can have joy and peace through Christ regardless of what this world tries to take away from me. The evil one knows that he can’t take away our faith in Christ and what that means for us, and he hates it. He tries to distract us with lies that bring fear and hopelessness so that we don’t fully understand how free we really are. When we come to understand this truth that through Christ we are free. That through Christ we do not need to
be concerned about what’s to come. That through Christ we have been saved. It is then that we can experience a powerful and true freedom.
For it was for freedom, that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
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Freedom in Christ
This final quote is from a song that continually brings hope to me in uncertain times. Through
the lens of understanding the true freedom we can have in Christ, may you find comfort and
encouragement in Him for whatever is to come.
No guilt in life, no fear in death.
This is the power of Christ in me.
From life’s first cry, to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell. No scheme of man.
Can ever pluck me from his hands.
Till he returns or calls me home.
Here in the power of Christ I stand.
In Christ Alone
Read Sonkia’s Stories: Take off Your Shoes, You’re Standing on Holy Ground
Read Joni’s Story – From Darkness to Light

Meet Amy Wallace
Amy is a certified Natural Health Consultant, and is passionate about sharing the goodness of God’s creation and perfect design through educating people on natural living and natural health.
Absolutely love this, Ames! What a journey you have been on. You have shown such resilience and courage and I know where that comes from, your freedom in and through Christ. Thanks for encouraging others
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